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Best ways to choose photos for

Adventure Central

Your Newfoundland & Labrador Tourism business listing is one area online we want everyone to be familiar with. In a lot of cases, this is how a tourist will discover your business!

Think about when you are travelling in Canada yourself. You probably will visit a provincial tourism website to start figuring out where you will stay, what you will do, and where to eat. It's the same for anyone visiting Newfoundland & Labrador.

The first thing potential guests will notice when they are exploring online is the photos you have uploaded. We want to ensure that those photos are the best they possibly can be.

There's no shame in looking around online and seeing what other photos people have used to hook in guests. We want bright, high-quality, colourful photos that speak to YOUR brand. Maybe you want to share people enjoying a candle-lit meal, or maybe it's the aw of the view from your front deck. Each business is unique and what makes you special is hard to narrow down to five photos.

Still not sure if you have the best photos uploaded? Reach out to Abby for a second opinion.


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